musings & thoughts
We are by far the largest Islamic community on Discord, with members from every continent (minus Antarctica) that speak a multitude of languages!
Come by to chat about an Islamic topic, listen to a lecture, practise your arabic, and feel closer to the believers. All Muslims and Non Muslims are welcome to the server as long as they abide by the rules.
An Open Letter to My Fellow Muslims in the West
بسم لله الرحمن الرحیم For any of the brothers and sisters who may feel as though this letter is being too harsh,...
The Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge
Before seeking ‘ilm – Islamic Knowledge – it is essential that you are familiar with the etiquette and qualities that...
What is modesty?
Modesty, or Haya' in Islam, is a matter of great importance. Despite the fact that many have made modesty something...
Is the concept of Gender Equality, one that is encouraged in Islam?
Gender Equality is a facade. Gender Equality is simply there to be taking at face value, without any practicality...
Naseeha and Akhlaq – they come hand in hand.
As Muslims, we have all come across the phrase الولاء والبراء (Al-Wala' Wal Bara') - in short, it is hating what...
Starting the Journey…
The path of knowledge is a long arduous path filled with innumerable difficulties and trials; a path that deprives...